Contributor – Liswise Digital Marketing agency Fri, 15 Jan 2021 20:32:49 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Contributor – Liswise 32 32 Blog – What Is Digital Marketing Strategy? Mon, 05 Oct 2020 09:00:00 +0000 Blog – Growing your business online is the need for today’s competitive marketing world. The best way to do it is through a digital marketing strategy. However, even in 2020, there are many businesses without a digital marketing strategy, surprising, but true!!

There may even be some small businesses that don’t know what digital marketing is. But don’t worry! Since you are here, we’ll guide you through this domain, covering all that you need to know about it.

What Is Digital Marketing Strategy?

A digital marketing strategy is a set of actions taken to achieve your marketing goals online. These actions are taken through marketing channels that might be owned, paid, or earned. No two digital marketing strategy roadmaps are the same. They vary based upon the long-term and short-term marketing goals of the businesses.


Do not confuse digital marketing strategy with a marketing strategy. A marketing strategy is the long-term planning of a business to gain more prospects and turn them into customers. It entails deep understanding of customers’ needs and demands. It requires a business to thoroughly structure its overall activities according to its objectives. However, digital marketing only deals with marketing over the internet.

Digital Marketing Strategy Implementation And Practice

If you are wondering what is in a digital marketing strategy or how can you have one for your business, read below to find out.

1.     Build A Persona Of Your Buyers

There is no purpose in marketing if you don’t know who you are doing it for. Hence, the first step in making a digital marketing strategy is to build buyers’ persona.

Buyers persona is the image or profile of the customers you are targeting. You can create it by interviewing, surveying, or researching your audience. Since making assumptions here can lead your marketing strategy in the opposite direction, you need to collect real data as much as possible.

This might have you thinking about the kind of information you need to collect for your buyers’ persona. It simply depends upon the type of products or services your business offers. The following are some of the questions that can help you build your buyers’ persona.

  • Where your website is getting the most traffic from?
  • What is the age limit of your prospects or customers?
  • Is your product or service for highly paid customers?
  • What problems does your product or service solve?
  • What are the interests of the people incline towards your offering?

2. Identify Your Digital Marketing Goals And Tools

Devising the best digital marketing strategy requires you to be clear about your goals. Since the overall goal of your business is to increase revenue, your digital marketing strategy should also align with that. For instance, if your company wants to double its sales this year, your digital marketing road map must lead to 80% leads or conversions.

Moving on, selecting the right tools is the key to achieving your pre-determined goals in a short time. Some common tools are Google Adwords, Google Analytics, MeetEdgar, etc.

 3. Analyze The Channels To Use

There are three types of digital marketing channels: owned, earned, and paid. Let’s look at them in detail.

·         Owned Media

Owned media includes all the digital assets your business owns or has full control over. For example, your own website, imagery, social media account, etc. This may also include your content posted on other sites such as Medium.

·         Earned Media

This category refers to the recognition you earn through the product or service you deliver. It may include guest posts you have published on other websites or your customers’ experience.

·         Paid Media

Paid media channels are the channels where you pay to gain your customers’ attention or response. It includes sponsored posts, Facebook post-boost, and other ways to enhance online visibility.

Evaluate which of the three channels are the most lucrative for your business. You may also get a combination of any two or all three of them. Even within these media channels, there are several segments, fulfilling various purposes. Therefore, you must try each of these channels and the segments within them to accordingly distribute your resources.

Final Step: Design Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Let’s recap what you have achieved so far before jumping to designing the strategy.

  • Your buyers’ persona
  • Your goal of digital marketing
  • Evaluation of the best media channel for your business

Now is the time to devise a strategy. Keeping your audience in mind, plan out how to use your tools and channels to achieve the desired results. It’s better to have an extensive long-term plan of about six to twelve months. It will enable you to test out each of your tactics and find the one that suits you best. In this time frame, you’ll also be able to make the required changes in your digital marketing approach.

We recommend you move each step at a time. For example, in the first month, schedule starting a blog that you’ll update regularly. In the next month, move on to starting paid social media advertisements to attract customers. Hence, create a timeline of your digital marketing journey to best monitor and analyze your results.

Best Digital Marketing Strategy Example

To inspire you a little more, here is an excellent example of utilizing earned media by GoPro. The brand is famous for its exceptional cameras, video-editing software, and mobile apps. The company started a YouTube campaign, encouraging its users to post videos they have captured using GoPro’s cameras. It further motivated them to give credits to the brand for their experience. The campaign spread the word about GoPro’s products like wildfire. You can look up to your industry-related examples and derive ideas out of them for your campaigns.


No matter how successful your business is if it is not online it is missing out a large chunk of profit. So get down to devising your own digital media marketing strategy right away and take your business to new heights. Be thorough with your research and analysis to ensure the best outcomes and faster results.

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How digital marketing can help businesses during COVID-19 Tue, 29 Sep 2020 00:57:00 +0000

Digital marketing is all marketing efforts which make use of the internet, mobile devices, social media, and other channels to promote products and services by reaching customers.

Due to the sudden and increasing outbreak of COVID-19, businesses have been forced to adopt digital marketing media to ensure their survival. Some businesses had already adapted this form of marketing before the pandemic. Still, those who were used to the traditional marketing ways have been forced to embrace digital marketing channels to be able to keep their profit margins stable, keep their customers and to be able to bounce back after the pandemic. This happens because digital marketing ensures businesses are running efficiently without face to face interactions as people are forced to stay at home.

Digital marketing can help businesses during this COVID-19 in the following ways:

Access to customers

Digital marketing helps businesses in researching as to where the customers can be found online. By use of social media platforms, digital marketing can help businesses to know where most of their customers are found online. Hence, it gives the ability to interact with customers and learn what they need. As a result, it helps businesses to know more about their audience, which can help to create brand loyalty.

Reduced losses

Businesses which had not adopted digital marketing channels have suffered huge losses. The financial stability of most businesses has suffered immensely. Most of the people are forced to stay at home around the globe. Hence, businesses can use digital marketing to sell their products on online platforms available through the internet to the customers like eBay or Amazon or their website and deliver them to the customers keeping the sales ongoing and the profit margins stable.

Low costs

The costs of running the business have gotten higher. The global economy has suffered much due to this ongoing pandemic. For a business to efficiently deal with this problem, they might have to allocate a budget to digital marketing to be able to advertise and kick start your business again. Digital marketing is a very affordable way of marketing at a low cost.

24/7 access and high targeting

Most businesses have had to relocate wholly to online business and close up offices. This means that they have had to reach customers in another way. By use of digital marketing, the businesses can be able to get their customers at any time and anywhere since the businesses are round the clock on the web. Also, the businesses can be able to target a particular group of dedicated customers who love to hear from them and shop with them.

Global advertising

The pandemic has paralysed global travels. By use of digital marketing channels, businesses can communicate through web conferences and even able to a worldwide market for their product through online platforms. Social media has a wide range of users and hence increases the chances of your businesses having many customers. Your business may end up making more profit even during the pandemic.


People around the globe are advised to stay in their homes with minimal access to the outside and other people hence making business slow and increasing inventory of the products stored or in possession by the business that is to be sold. By using digital marketing channels, the business can get the customer’s requests through their business website and send it to their home at a small price. Also, the customer can give feedback on the product. This helps the business reduce its inventory while keeping sales and even customers during the pandemic.

Customer interactions

Customer to business interactions has significantly reduced since the countries have put up a limited number of people gathering in one place policy to control the spread of COVID-19. By adopting digital marketing channels, the business can interact with these customers while they are at home. By use of podcasts, websites and even through web conferencing, the business can show customers how to use their products or even market them through voice on podcasts and get the customers to ask questions and give feedback on the product.

Readily available tools

The outstanding feature of digital marketing is that the marketing of the products and services can go on even when the marketing individuals are miles away. Today the world has seen the market dominated with digital marketing tools to enable them to work something out very effectively. A business that has not adopted this marketing strategy cannot do any better in sales because digital marketing is more of a must-use tool during this COVID-19 pandemic. Facebook campaigns can help your business unleash the full potential even when it seems impossible today. Use of email marketing can land you the clients you would never have reached while at home. Businesses need content marketing to stay in business. Without content marketing and social media advertisement, people may not know the existence of your business and may risk closure because sales may go down.

During this pandemic, the global economy has been disrupted, and traditional marketing channels have been rendered ineffective and useless. The businesses that adopt digital marketing channels can deliver products and services as quickly and generally as they can during this pandemic compared to traditional media. Hence, companies that embrace digital marketing channels whatever they are continue to do their business effectively in the new pandemic environment where there is great reliance on digital means for businesses to be able to run normally. The COVID-19 has come with strings of problems that affect nearly everyone today. Therefore, to cushion your location from the impacts of the COVID-19, you may need to adopt this new technological strategy. You would need to make use of email marketing, social media advertisement, web design and content marketing for your business. This is the only way to make sure your business succeeds.
